Polio Vaccination and International Travel

Why is polio vaccination required for international travelers of all ages?

Polio vaccination is required for all international travelers from Pakistan, regardless of age, to prevent the spread of poliovirus to other countries. Pakistan remains among the only two countries in the world where wild poliovirus remains in circulation, so it is crucial to make sure everyone crossing borders or traveling from infected countries gets vaccinated. Unvaccinated people can get infected with poliovirus and spread it to others too. Polio vaccination prior to travel helps protect travelers and stops the virus from spreading globally.

International recommendations on polio vaccination for travelers, which are based on WHO’s International Health Regulations, can be found here: https://www.who.int/news/item/12-05-2023-statement-of-the-thirty-fifth-polio-ihr-emergency-committee

 Detailed information about the process to obtain and download certificate is available below at NIMS website.

National immunization management system